Sunday, December 05, 2004

Looking Back at 2000

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.In the midst of the controversy surrounding the 2004 election results, this might be a good time to look back at the events following the 2000 election. As you will recall, former Vice President Al Gore was denied the Presidency by a decision of the Unites States Supreme Court. Vice President Gore subsequently appealed to a higher authority. Following is one of the reports I posted on some newsgoups in 2000 regarding this appeal:

In what could be the final blow to Vice President Al Gore's Presidential campaign, the Federation Council has refused his appeal to overturn the adverse ruling against him by the United States Supreme Court issued on December 12, 2000. An unsigned majority ruling agreed that this would be a violation of the Temporal Prime Directive.

In a concurring statement, Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan refused Al Gore's request to perform Vulcan mind melds to definitively determine the will of the voters. While conceding that a majority of Florida voters may have intended to vote for Mr. Gore on election day, Ambassador Sarek declared that "Logic would dictate that voters who preferred Al Gore should have punched the chad by Al Gore's name, not Pat Buchanan's name."

The majority statement did not refute Mr. Gore's assertion that Texas Governor George Bush's future Supreme Court appointees would result in further racial and cultural divide, culminating in the Bell Riots of 2024, but did find that the these events were part of the time line which ultimately resulted in the formation of the United Federation of Planets. For reasons which were not explained, Captain Benjamin Sisko of Deep Space Nine recused himself when discussion of Gabriel Bell was raised.

In a dissenting view, several members saw no justification in refusing Mr. Gore's request to travel to the Guardian of Forever to determine if there was any validity to his accusations that a Bush Presidency would cause an alternative time line with the alternative Empire encountered by Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise.

A review of the time line also suggested that Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush were actually from an alternative time line than the one in which Star Fleet is a reality. While history of that era was sketchy, records seems to indicate that the President circa 2000 was actually named Jeb Bartlett.

Reaction to the Federation Council's decision was mixed. The Ambassador from the Bizarro Planet was puzzled as to what the controversy was all about, stating that, "On my Planet, the candidate who comes in second is always declared the winner."

Mr. Gore had no immediate response to this latest setback. After rumors that some aides were suggesting a further appeal of this decision to a higher authority, the Q Continuum offered to hear the case. "This is my kind of election," declared Q.


Blogger Ron Chusid said...

Follow Up Story:

Vice President Al Gore has expressed dissatisfaction with the ruling of the Federation Council not to override the adverse ruling of the United States Supreme Court which resulted in the election of George Bush as President of the United States. "I strongly disagree with this decision, but I must accept it. Decisions of the Federation Council are canon." declared Gore.

Some observers believe that Mr. Gore lost support on the Federation Council following his claims to have invented subspace communication and the Warp Drive. Zefram Cochrane was particularly upset by Mr. Gore's claims.

Vice President's Gore's concession speech was well accepted by contemporary Americans. Fifty-six percent of the voters were found to have a better opinion of Mr. Gore after hearing this speech, but forty-four percent were outraged that he preempted the week's episode of West Wing. President Jeb Bartlett was unavailable for comment.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

In related news (for Star Trek fans):


Former Enterprise Captain Jon Luc Picard has come under harsh attacks in his campaign for President of the Federation Council from a group calling itself Starship Captains for Truth. This group charges that Picard's claims for defeating the Borg following the battle at Wolf 359 have been exaggerated. They note that Picard had been assimilated by the Borg prior to the battle and could not have led the defenses, and also blame Picard for not acting soon enough to prevent the heavy casualties suffered at Wolf 359.

Picard's actions on the Enterprise have been defended by crewmen aboard the Enterprise, as well as by Star Fleet documentation and articles on numerous Star Trek fan sites. Investigations into Starship Captains for Truth reveal that several of them are actually Changlings from the Dominion impersonating starship captains. The group has also been found to be financed by a shadowy group receiving funding from the Romulan Star Empire.

In commenting on charges raised by former Captain James T. Kirk, Picard responded by saying, "Kirk died years ago. Is Shatner's ego so huge that Kirk continues to speak even after his death?"

9:32 AM  

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