Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Looking Ahead

Not surprisingly some of the comments from Bush supporters are gloating, claiming no need to unite the country, and considering this a bigger mandate than it was. This was a narrow victory, with Bush being unable to win in the Northeast, west coast, or much of the midwest. The Republicans needed the benefits of redistricting to pick up their seats in the House, and had an edge in the Senate due to larger number of former Democratic seats at risk.

Bush had advantages such as incumbency and fear of terrorism. Some also attribute the victory to "moral issues." While Rove did do a great job in bringing out the religious right, moderates still out number them.Traditionally America has avoided extremism on both the right and the left. Rove's strategy brought about a narrow majority, but this is unlikely to work long term. If the Republican go too far in rewarding the religious right, it will divide the party, and bring opposition from the middle. Both Bush and Cheney felt obligated to say something favorable about civil unions in the later days of the campaign. Two of the GOP stars who campaigned for Bush, Gulliani and Schwarzenegger are more moderate than the Bush administration on social issues.

While we have our fears as to what will occur in the second term of a Bush administration, it is difficult to predict with certainty. As a lame duck, he is in a weaker position. He will have a tougher time lying us into another war. Further terrorist attacks, which hopefully will not occur, would highlight his failings in handling this issue. Many Republicans are not going to put up with the size of his deficits. There will be conflict between the traditional conservatives and neoconservatives, as well as between libertarians and social conservatives. Traditional rivalries between the executive and legislative branch might act to place limits on Bush.

The Republicans are now in control, but will also need to take responsibility for the results of their policies. If we continue to be involved in senseless wars while ignoring terrorism, continue to run up a record deficit, continue to have more uninsured, or if they continue to jeopardize programs such as Medicare and Social Security, they will be held accountable in the next elections. Remember, the winner of Presidential elections typically loses in the off year election (with 2002 being an unusual exception).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a African-American Female, I feel cheated!

I feel like "four more years" with this administration is a signing of a "death warrant" for America and for our troops.

I have seen my employment in the health care profession become a low income joke, especially with overtime pay having been reduced.

What is America thinking?

I am not pro-Kerry because I am African-American, I am pro-Kerry because I AM American.

I am seeing red. I am disgusted at the puffed-chests that the media and the Republicans were displaying.

I am in OH, as well, which really steams me.

I feel all over the place and may not be expressing thoughts well. I am pretty emotional, as well as most of my friends. Black, white and latino.

God help us. God Bless John Kerry and John Edwards for trying to make us proud to be Americans again.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a African-American Female, I feel cheated!

I feel like "four more years" with this administration is a signing of a "death warrant" for America and for our troops.

I have seen my employment in the health care profession become a low income joke, especially with overtime pay having been reduced.

What is America thinking?

I am not pro-Kerry because I am African-American, I am pro-Kerry because I AM American.

I am seeing red. I am disgusted at the puffed-chests that the media and the Republicans were displaying.

I am in OH, as well, which really steams me.

I feel all over the place and may not be expressing thoughts well. I am pretty emotional, as well as most of my friends. Black, white and latino.

God help us. God Bless John Kerry and John Edwards for trying to make us proud to be Americans again.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "I feel cheated."
Your thinking is crystal clear. And your expressions are widely held by all who feel oppressed by this administration and it matters not what color our skin is - we all hurt the same. Let's all commit, here and now, to making the next election a win for the Democrats. Even here in Texas, a bastion for right wing morons, Kerry supporters were numerous and proudly displayed their support for Kerry/Edwards in high numbers. My yard sign was destroyed late last night, but the remains will lay on the ground for a week for all to see.

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Republicans are now in control, but will also need to take responsibility for the results of their policies."

When have they ever taken responsibility for any results? Regan never did. Bush has had 2 years of Republican run Legislative branches to assist him. Does pointing that out lower their voters faith? no. This is because they vote on "faith." So, Bush is smart when he uses that term, "faith." Faith is belief in something without knowing for certain is it's true. Excellent for religion, not so good for government.
Most of the supreme court is Republican posted. Yet, they still use that as an excuse for the country to "morally" need a conservative president.
They don't gain the power they have by taking responsibility. As long as we continue to fight them with this assumption, we will continue to loose. I fear for the democratic party. We have no voice now.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

The last comment made me think of two things I read and heard today:


2) Robert Reich on NPR's All Thing's Considered today. I don't have a transcript yet, but this could probably be heard at NPR's web site.

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us keep alive the mission of this campaign, for no less than the soul of America is at stake! Urge your senators to vote John Kerry as the Minority Leader in the US Senate.

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let us keep alive the mission of this campaign, for no less than the soul of America is at stake! Urge your senators to vote John Kerry as the Minority Leader in the US Senate.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

Another recommended article:

7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ron,
I want to tell you I got a lot of strength from reading your essay "The Fight Goes On." After the events today I'm trying to figure and do what I need to stay grounded, while at the same time for this second term becoming active when the situation arises.
I spoke with a friend today and she recommended "staying above the heaviness". I can meet this task right off my staying away from this slanted media that has gone haywire.
It just disgusts me how people can just follow along with this pres; the administration has proven to be a power center to which authority is delegated. In contrast, people like Clinton give of themselves as public servants.

7:36 PM  

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