Tuesday, November 02, 2004

D-Day: Can Democracy Survive the Bush Administration?

Today is D-Day. That's Democracy day as we will learn how well our democracy can survive an administration which has trampled upon the Constitution for four years and acted contrary to the principles upon which this nation was founded.

In 1787, while working with the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked about what form of government was being planned. His answer was, "A Republic, if we can keep it." Today we might find out how good a job we are doing at keeping it.

We are faced with an administration which rules by increasing secrecy and spreading deliberate misinformation about its policies. This ranges from the war in Iraq to many domestic issues, such as the deception as to both the costs and effects of the Medicare prescription drug bill. The Bush administration is aided in this by a right wing media which is as biased and willing to spread misinformation as Pravda was in the old Soviet Union. The degree of misinformation means that many voters are not deciding based upon the real issues. Many still believe the claims of WMD in Iraq and cooperation between Iraq and al Qaeda despite clear refutation of these claims.

Not surprising, a government which rules by deceit has also run an incredibly dishonest campaign, constantly misquoting Kerry and lying about his record. Many are voting against Kerry not based upon his actual positions, but based upon objection to positions he does not hold. The electoral process is also jeopardized by multiple types of activities to suppress the vote in Democratic areas. Hopefully enough will see through the tactics of the Bush administration to provide a winning margin for Kerry large enough to withstand the Bush administration's attempts at suppressing the vote. The high turn out in areas with early voting is encouraging.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many of us in Australia are watching and hoping like hell for a Kerry Victory - we have had enough of the politics of fear and loathing. Unfortunately we didn't get rid of our incumbent three weeks ago so we have three more years of the same to endure here!

Just heard the results of early exit polls on the radio showing that Kerry is competitive so will listen all day with interest.

Go do it!!!!!!!!!!! The world needs this to happen.

12:21 PM  

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