Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Fight Goes On

John Kerry has now conceded. This campaign is over, but the fight will go on.

I see that we are still having many visitors to this blog, as well as the other Kerry groups. There are two main topics of concern--where we go as a nation and where we go as a community of like minded people.

We understand the damage George Bush has done to this country, but we must also believe America can withstand this. The nation has survived other crises. Defeating an incumbent President is difficult, especially during a time of war. We came close, but ultimately fell short. Those who voted for George Bush did not do so due to being evil. Many share our values, but were misled by an extremely dishonest campaign which greatly distorted the positions of John Kerry. Many still believe that the war in Iraq is part of the war on terrorism, and do not yet understand how George Bush is undermining the true fight against terrorism. Many who support a free market economy believe the statements of the Bush administration and do not yet see what Bush is really doing. Many businessmen see the value of Kerry's health care proposals and may yet put pressure on Republicans to enact such a plan.

Losing this year does not mean we cannot or will not win in the future. Over time, more will see through the distortions of the Bush administration and the right wing media. In 1972 Richard Nixon won by a landslide, but did not remain in power very long. There are new elections for Congress in two years, and a chance to run for President in four years without facing an incumbent. The final chapter of the 9/11 Commission is still to come out, and the FBI has begun investigating Halliburton. Portions of the news media finally showed more willingness to stand up to the government recently. The blogs have also revolutionized the distribution of information.

I often said that this is race was not a matter of Democrats vs. Republicans but an effort for all Americans to join together to remove a President who has caused such tremendous harm to this nation. As we go on, the battle is still not necessarily Democrats vs. Republicans. There are fine people in the Republican party who question the war and question aspects of Bush's economic policies. During Bush's first term, it was sometimes Republicans who stood up to George Bush. For example, many Republicans forced Bush to back down on his attempts to force more Medicare recipients into HMO's. Perhaps we can develop a new coalition to stop the excesses of the neoconservatives and the far right.

The conservative movement did not arise in a single year or two. It takes a lot of organization and hard work. While it is disappointing that the hard work we put into this race did not result in victory, the work may still pay off in the future. Over the past year we have had many new sources of information on progressive causes, ranging from those on the web to a new radio network.

Blogging is also addictive, and many bloggers from the Kerry blog are looking for a new home. I'll have to discuss the future of this particular blog with the blog administrator. If traffic continues at this rate, perhaps we will keep it open. At very least we will have more information on alternatives posted here in the future, so continue to check this site. For now I'm also keeping the Kerry 2004 Reference Library open at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still can not believe this is happening! As I only slept one hour last night, watching state after state turning red; it’s a bit hard to collect my thoughts at the moment. I never thought Kerry wouldn't win.
After watching Bush, for the last four years, and especially on campaign, could there still be any doubt of his incapacity? With Kerry and Teresa there was an intelligent and good chance for the future... and Bush wins???
I could state every single reason why he's so wrong for the Presidency but I think Jon Stewart and The Tonight Show have made a pretty good job in the past, and will definitely continue to do so in the future.
The only optimistic thought at the moment is exactly that - The fight will go on.
Here in Europe, there are a lot of us who know that for every red state there’s a blue one, and for every Bush vote there’s a Kerry one.
I agree with your post 100% and think Kerry supporters will not give up trying to fight for a better country.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Pamela J. Leavey said...

This Blog will remain open!

Please stay involved and help to carry on what John Kerry and John Edwards have worked so hard for and have stood for.

We CAN still make a difference in this country! I am counting on all of you who have been involved to stay involved!

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The American people have spoken. It isn't interested in socialism. The Demacrats better wake up.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

If the American people thought they were speaking to speak out about socialism, they were deceived.

John Kerry has always been a strong supporter of the free market system, while George Bush's economic policies are as far from true capitalism as socialism.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:01 PM  
Blogger Pamela J. Leavey said...


I think it will take some time for all of us to heal. But we can carry on and we should carry on... for John Kerry, John Edwards and the future of nation.

5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this very moment, my heart aches for all of us. I am literally ill. Yesterday, I made countless calls to voters in Northern Florida reminding them to vote. Those that I was actually able to talk to, were very outspoken in their fervor to dispose of Bush, with some comparing his politics of fear, distortions of the facts, and deceptions of truth, to Hitler's Nazi maneuverings. I even prayed on the phone with one lady who had not been back to her church for several weeks after she and her husband endured a lecture from the pulpit by their trusted minister who was bashing Kerry. She said they will never return as that has no place in the pulpit. She was heartbroken. We are all heartbroken, but we will pick up the broken pieces of our dreams and carry on. Now, perhaps more than ever, many more eyes will be watching "W's" every move. If he has a brain in that puddin' head, he will realize this. And if he continues his current path of destruction along with Ashcroft and Rumsy, you can be "darn" sure there will be a Democrat in the White House after the next election. Godspeed John Kerry and John Edwards, and to all the countless people who sweated blood to try to make this campaign work. My love goes out to all of you. We are mobilized, and we are strong, and we are mad as hell. The truth will eventually be seen by all.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too hope that John Kerry will run again. He's our best hope!

12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:24 PM  

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