Thursday, August 12, 2004

Kerry Campaign Responds to Bush Appearance On Larry King Live

Kerry-Edwards Campaign Spokesperson Phil Singer issued the following statement in response to Bush's appearance on Larry King Live:

"The President spent an hour on TV and didn't talk about jobs or his plans to get the economy going. It's the latest proof that this President is completely out of touch with the priorities of this country, and has no plan for turn things around. It's time that we had a President like John Kerry who has a plan to make America stronger at home and respected in the world."

Chad Clanton, Kerry spokesperson:

"Tonight President Bush called Kerry's service in Vietnam 'noble.' But in the same breath refused to heed Senator McCain's call to condemn the dirty work being done by the 'Swift Boat Vets for Bush.' Once again, the President side-stepped responsibility and refused to do the right thing. His credibility is running out as fast as his time in the White House."


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