Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Reality Check on IWR

So now Bush is trying to say the IWR was, in fact, a vote for war. Funny thing, that's not what he said at the time. Flip-flopper or just flat out liar?

"What I've told others, including President Fox, is we have no imminent plans to use military operations," Bush said in Monterrey after meeting with Mexican President Vicente Fox. March 22, 2002

"The president discussed Iraq in a general sense, because the president has not made a decision about the use of military action vis-a-vis Iraq," the Bush spokesman said. August 27, 2002

Such a resolution, Bush said, should not suggest that military action is "imminent or unavoidable," only that the United States was speaking with "one voice." October 8, 2002

John Kerry has been consistent on his vote, it was a vote to hold Saddam accountable to disarm according to UN resolutions. This means total open disclosure of not only any weapons, but also plans, scientists, anything related to past or future weapons production. It's a total process that Saddam needed to be accountable to.

John Kerry has also always said that Bush bungled everything in the process of holding Saddam accountable, from what he told the American people to exhausting all diplomatic remedies to the execution of the war itself. He repeats his words again today:

``I read somewhere that the Bush folks were trying to say that we changed positions, this that,'' Kerry said. ``I've been consistent all along and I thought that the United States needed to stand up to Saddam Hussein and I voted to stand up to Saddam Hussein, but I thought we should do it right.''

``I thought we ought to reach out to other countries, we ought to build an international coalition, we ought to exhaust the remedies available to us.''

This isn't so complicated, except for those who fail to remember what Bush actually said in 2002 or those who conspire with the Republicans to help Americans to forget.

Don't be fooled. Bush said he had no plans to go to war in 2002. We now know from Bob Woodward's book that he, in fact, had plans on the table in November 2001. He has misled this country and the world at every turn. Bush is worse than a flip-flopper; he's a lying, conniving bully.


Blogger Ron Chusid said...

Such a resolution, Bush said, should not suggest that military action is "imminent or unavoidable," only that the United States was speaking with "one voice." October 8, 2002

John Kerry also quoted George Bush as to this during his Senate Floor Speech at the time of the IWR vote.

Bush is clearly trying to confuse Kerry's vote to authorize force as a last resort with a vote to go to war in the manner in which Bush went to war. These are clearly two different things. Of course this is nothing new as the rest of Bush's flip flop charges are based on similar distortions of Kerry's statements and record.

If you want to see true flip flops, just look at George Bush's record and compare it to what he has said in the past.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

Hey, we aren't the only ones who got it right. Here's another blog to look at:

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

``I thought we ought to reach out to other countries, we ought to build an international coalition, we ought to exhaust the remedies available to us.''<<

Ron from Robert Oler

You dont see where this is all going I gather. I more or less called this a month ago on the blog and again I have more or less weaned off doing it there...the rah rah factor is pretty high.

This is typical rove trap and we are walking into it.

By saying that he would vote the same way today the campaign walked onto the trap. Its about to be sprung.

Now by saying that something that Bush himself said war wasnt inevitable very shortly Bush will come back and say "Your right I said it wasnt inevitable"...but "I gave the process four months (or so), I worked with the UN, I got all the support that were willing to stand up to disarm Saddam...and then I had to act."

"Now the next question is when would JK have acted? The French were never going to go along with disarming Saddam etc etc."

Then theh campaign is going to have to either come up with a set of critieria where it would have gone ahead and used force OR we are going to get beat over the head with this.

I make two points:

You are literally posting the same things over and over aagain on the blog. Thats not shutting down the fury. That should tell you something.

Second Bush is going this way for a reason. Know what it is? Its the flip flop thing. They have polling that indicates JK is vunerable on that...and they are going to play this to it.

Somewhere in the debate Shrub is going to turn to JK and say "What would it have taken for you to take Saddam down?"

I hope someone is working on an answer.

Robert G. Oler

7:43 PM  

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