Monday, August 11, 2003

Here it is folks, my first post on this blog. Some of you may know me as a multiple blogger, but the way I see it, the more enthusiasm for Kerry the better.

For any C-Span watchers out there, our man's been getting a lot of air time lately, which is a nice change of pace. He's really starting to hone his message and I have to say I was more impressed with him than I have been in a long time.

He's always winning the "I want to hang out with that guy" factor. That's incredibly important in the general election, as we all know Dubya's made an industry out of that. Instead of his aloofness, I saw Kerry play the guitar, talk Harleys, and do a terrific job relating to people. We need to see more of this. Now if we can just get this kind of coverage on outlets other than C-Span...


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