Saturday, August 09, 2003

EVERYONE in the CENTER and on the LEFT (no matter how far left!) has GOOD REASONS to support JOHN FORBES KERRY.

Here is why I'm doing what I can for John F. Kerry.

Everyone in the center and left needs to pull for a LEFT-CENTER candidate. Here's why.

Bush has deceived (most of) the public into believing he's a moderate conservative "President". The public (slight majority) have been bamboozled by his "compassionate conservative" BS. What's even worse, after a terror attack that his intelligence probably already knew was going to happen, but let happen, the (most of) public is spellbound by him doing what he had to do, which was to investigate the terror attacks and provide support for the police/fire/survivors. Bush and Giuliani seem to get all the credit for the rapid mobilization of rescue and relief which took place.

The people (most of) does not YET (Yet! There's still hope!) understand that ANY "President" and Mayor would've mobilized anti-terror investigation and rescue and relief! There was broad bi-partisan support for these efforts. For Bush and Giuliani to be heroes just because they did this is like me being a saint just because I brush my teeth every day! Doing what you have to do does not somehow make you better than your opposition.

Bush is lying when he calls himself a "compassionate conservative". If Bush is compassionate, then Hitler was kindhearted. Bush is just about as far to the right as a "President" can go. Yet many of the people are starry-eyed by his stand against terror (Just about everyone is against terror, what does that prove?) We need to get the center and even some of the right on our side, and swing the election toward a more honest direction.

We need to nominate a candidate who not only SAYS he is near the center, but who in fact IS near the center!
This is the way we can get (most of) the people to see the wool Bush has pulled over their eyes, by showing them what a REAL moderate looks like!

After nominating John F. Kerry as our candidate, the people will see that our worst Weapons of Mass Destruction are the millions of jobs, homes, and health insurance coverages that Bush and his failed economic policies have taken away from us. These WMD have dropped millions of toxic clouds of despair and dangerous fallout of misery over our people, even before a single tower had fallen or a single bomb was dropped. Our worst Weapon of Mass Deception has been sending millions of troops to risk their lives overseas without telling them the real reasons why they are doing so!

Bush has never served in active combat! John F. Kerry has, with great courage, and he has the three purple hearts and silver star to prove it! Not only that, but his stellar war record will serve as a beacon even to many on the RIGHT. Even some of Bush's staunchest past supporters will see in Kerry a true war hero, a person truly deserving to be Honest Commander In Chief. Remember, John F. Kennedy was a war hero also, and appealed to many on the right, not just the left and center.

John F. Kennedy and John F. Kerry have a lot in common.

John Kerry has actual PLANS for dealing with health care, education, national service, armed forces, and jobs creation. He reminds me alot of John Kennedy, who launched massive plans to help our nation's poor, our nation's discriminated, and our lost prestige against the USSR in the space program. And, since Kennedy's plans were well thought out for the nation rather than bones for the rich, they worked! It isn't that the rich were not allowed to benefit from them. Kennedy had nothing against rich people (being rich himself, as all of our politicians are).

But the benefits of J. F. Kennedy's programs were geared toward helping our people as a WHOLE, rather than a select FEW.
That's why our economy roared just as hot in the 1960s as it did in the 1990s. Wouldn't it be nice to be "irrationally exuberant" again?

Bush's programs help only the rich (with a few small scraps here and there tossed to religious fundamentalists, for their hellfire dread of voting for anyone but him).

J. F. Kerry has stated that Bush's tax cuts for the rich are (take note, unemployed Republicans) NOT WORKING!

They didn't work in 2001 and they sure won't work now, especially since these new cuts are even more unfair than the 2001 cuts. Those making below $26,000 a year don't get jack diddly! The national deficit gets a BIG BOOST however. This huge, and worsening, national deficit can send interest rates, inflation rates (or both!) soaring again. The poor being robbed by the rich. No "rising tide lifts all boats" here. Rush Limbaugh's pet phrase has nothing to do with this scam!

Like when the deficits first got so large under Reagan - which, remember, led to what? TWO DIGIT UNEMPLOYMENT! We got another hangover from that again in 1990-91. Notice: under Bush I! In 1992, Clinton's election and the Democratic takeover of Congress almost immediately wiped out the deficit and the feared inflation and unemployment which would have resulted.

The economy in the 1990s under Clinton became just as good as the Kennedy 1960s were.
Wouldn't it be nice to get that back again!

The Bush tax cuts for people who don't even need them can inflate deficits back to unsustainable levels again. And guess who will have to PAY MORE TAXES to get the deficit back down to where banks will lend money to people and governments again?

You guessed it...if you're living under Bush in the White House and a Republican Congress, it'll be the poor and the middle class who will be forced to pay more taxes to keep the nation from going bankrupt! That AFTER millions of them being screwed out of their jobs, their houses, and their health care from the deficit spending already!

We must do everything in our power to get rid of this dishonest "President". And John Kerry really does care about leftist issues, he's just more moderate and careful with them than the other candidates.

Also, John Kerry can appeal to the most HONEST people on the right, because of his war experience. Yes, there are many honest conservatives, they've been on our Yahoo! boards and they are fed up with Bush! Many of them are Veterans. Bush doesn't appeal to all conservatives. Bush's "magic spell" over the right is not absolute. Which is good, because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Bush is breaking many promises to Veterans.
Bush has broken promises to just about every organized group of people in the USA except for the rich and the religious right.


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