Thursday, August 07, 2003

Bush's attempt to buy (SOME OF) the super rich will STIR UP the poor and the middle class. We, the Middle and Lower classes, will DEFEAT BUSH! John Kerry will help us do it!

People in the $10,000-$26,000 range who qualified for a tiny rebate check two years ago are not allowed to participate in this tax cut. Almost all of the people who will benefit from this cut make $26,000 or more. We should help the middle class. But if we're going to help the rich then we should include the poor as well. The poor and the middle class are the ones who are most likely to spend money and boost the economy. Giving almost all of the tax cut to the rich will swell the deficit, boost inflation and interest rates, and then unemployment.

Unemployment hurts the poor and the middle class worst.

The rich mostly save extra money they get. Saving is good, but it should be balanced with spending. Increasing savings by boosting our nation's debt is like robbing Peter to pay Paul. This will not boost our economy; it will depress our economy just that much more.

Why didn't Bush learn his lesson with the first round of tax cutting in 2001?
History has proven that tax cutting almost exclusively for the rich does not boost the economy.

Bush doesn't care about our economy, at least as long as not many CEOs and board directors are getting laid off. If he did, then even a moron like him could see that this tax cutting scheme will not work. He doesn't care about the economy at all. All Bush cares about is giving his fat rat buddies who make more than a million dollars a year a big boost in their nest egg, so that when the massive depression hits in the next 20 years or so from soil erosion, water pollution, overfishing, national debt, and the ignoring of the underclass, the super rich will be well set.

Not all of the Super Rich are trying to abuse the poor. Ted Turner and George Soros are excellent examples for the WEALTHY WHO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE.

Bush wants to make sure that when we have rioting in the streets, food shortages, water shortages and so on, that him and his rich buddies will be able to buy their way out of any social or economic problems we have. While destroying the planet and destroying the economy, him and his buddies will be well set.

John F. Kerry is a very fair Senator.

John Kerry has an energy independence plan, to make the USA less dependent on foreign oil and air pollution. John Kerry wants to put our poorest young people back to school and then back to work, by letting them trade national service for a free college tuition. A lot like J. F. Kennedy did, in developing the Peace Corps program, which Bush and his fellow Soviets have mercilessly slashed funding for. To be fair to the conservatives and the wealthy, John Kerry is even willing to allow people to offset part of even a private college tuition with national service. The important thing to Kerry is not how wealthy you are or how wealthy you aren't but whether you're willing to serve. :)

John Kerry has an outstanding record on health care, women's issues, and the environment. He was the most vocal critic of Bush's "energy plan", which was really a rich oil executive plan rather than an "energy plan."

John Kerry and many others have criticized Bush for formulating the "energy plan" in secret, inviting oil and coal and nuclear executives but (to our knowledge) no environmentalists.

We need John Kerry as our President.
We need to get rid of this lying far-to-the-right pretender who hypocritically calls himself a "compassionate conservative"!

John Kerry is the TRUE compassionate center candidate for President.

When the people see how fair John Kerry is, they will see, by comparison, how much of a hypocrite Bush is. They will see that they have been dealt a snow job, a mass deception by a President who probably had knowledge of the 9-11 attacks before they occurred. There are DOZENS of holes in the FBI and CIA's investigation of terrorism before 9-11, dozens of facts that they gathered on the Saudis and on Osama bin Laden which would have pointed to what was about to happen. They kept it all hushed up and didn't do anything useful with the information they found, until it was too late. The blame for 3,000 innocent deaths and 10 million innocent job layoffs lies squarely in the hands of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Osama bin Laden, all three of whom are equally responsible for the deaths and the layoffs.

WE NEED John Kerry for President!


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