Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Some excitement today for this Kerry Blogger!

I had the opportunity to spend a few minutes on the phone today with Kerry Campaign Manager Jim Jordan!

Frequent visitors to our Blog probably know that I am very active over on the Yahoo Kerry Message Boards as well as many of of the Yahoo Democratic Boards.

I firmly believe that John Kerry is our best choice to beat Bush in 2004. After studying all the candidates and their stance on the issues, I found that John Kerry resonated most, my views and feelings about what our country needs.

I've spent some long hours in recent weeks drumming up support for John Kerry here online and I am thrilled with the wonderful reactions of support for John Kerry that so many have shown. It's a big misconception that one campaign has a corner on the internet appeal.

As an internet based business owner, I know the power of the internet. It is an awesome tool to get out news and information all over the world. I set a task for myself to show support for the Kerry Campaign online and that task created enough buzz to get noticed by the Kerry Campaign. It was a great thrill for me today to be personally thanked by Jim Jordan!

I want to thank each of you, who faithfully visit KerryBlog and post comments, and let you know that the Kerry Campaign is listening! Your support of John Kerry on our Blog is greatly appreciated by all! Thank you!


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