Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Today at the AFL-CIO Forum Senator John Kerry answered questions about why we need him as our next President! He's got my support and my vote! Let's give Bush the Boot and put John Kerry in the White House in 2004!

Senator John Kerry's closing statements at the AFL-CIO Democratic Primary Presidential Forum:

B. EDWARDS: It's already time for closing statements. And this has been decided by lottery.

KERRY: Every day in America, millions of Americans get up and go to work, and they have a decent pay, a safe work place, many if them health care, pensions, and the reason they have that, and we deserve a president who understands this, is because through the years members of organized labor were prepared to put their lives on the line to win that right for their fellow Americans.


And I believe we deserve a president, and I look forward to being on that stage with President Bush in reminding him that when the Republicans go out there and give those easy speeches about heroes in New York City, that we remind them that every single one of those firefighters, police officers, emergency medical personnel, who went up those stairs and gave those lives so others would live, every one of them was a member of organized labor and they believed in the right to strike, the right to bargain, and the right to do better.


My friends, we need to beat George Bush. I am the only person on this stage running for president, the only person if he were here, who has actually fought in a war and served in uniform.

I cannot wait to stand up and remind him that having a skilled Navy pilot land you on an aircraft carrier in a borrowed suit does not make up for losing 3 million jobs. It does not make up for going back on civil rights, it does not make up for a failed economic policy.

B EDWARDS: Thank you, Senator.

KERRY: Thank you, and that's why I'm going to beat George Bush in 2004. Thank you very much.



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