Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Talking points for meetup continued-

Veterans Issues-

39.) Quote- "When I was in Vietnam I learned a lot about the promises that soldiers make to each other. The Marines have a promise to never leave behind their dead. In this country, as citizen soldiers, we need to make the commitment to each other that we will never leave our veterans behind."

40.) Yes, John Kerry was a Vietnam vet! We have had some people come on the blog and complain about hearing it. Well, Its something to be proud of and its something to talk about.

41.) Kerry endorses The Veterans’ Prescription Drug Reform Act of 2003.

42.) Here's what some of the guys who served with Kerry have to say.

Check out the link on the right to join John Hale's Yahoo! Grassroots group for John Kerry. Mr. Hale is retired 25 year Navy vet who supports John Kerry and is looking for other vets to help out.


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