Monday, May 02, 2005

John Kerry's 100 Days

Letter from today's Boston Globe:

Piece on Kerry not accurate or funny
May 2, 2005

DAVID MARTIN'S satirical waste of space (''John Kerry: The first 100 days," op ed, April 29) was about as accurate as it was amusing, which is to say not very. The Globe has covered in detail Kerry's return to the Senate. Martin obviously hasn't read a word of it.

Over the last 100 days, Kerry introduced his Kids First bill to provide health insurance to 11 million children living without it today. He introduced a Military Family Bill of Rights to increase benefits to our troops -- and guess what? -- he's already passed most of it in the Senate.

He has also introduced legislation to increase the size of the military to address the overextension of the Guard and Reserves. He's battled the EPA to overturn mercury regulations that fail to address a major health risk in the Merrimack Valley. He worked with Mayor Ed Lambert to lobby the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission against a liquid natural gas facility in Fall River.

He passed emergency legislation to keep beloved Fenway High teacher Obain Attouoman in the United States. He passed bipartisan legislation to get Massachusetts fishermen the same bankruptcy protection as family farmers.

If George W.Bush had done half the work Kerry has in these last 100 days, maybe our gas prices would be lower and we'd have fixed Social Security for the next generation.


The writer is communications director for Senator Kerry.


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