Saturday, October 23, 2004

Enjoy The Draft & Other Items of Interest

After giving a plug for Wolfpacks for Truth, I thought I should also mention some other amusing items from this week. First I suggest Enjoy the Draft:

True to their family tradition of personal sacrifice, Jenna and Barbara Bush are the first to sign up for Spring Break Fallujah 2005. "Isn't that an MTV thing?" asked party girl Jenna, "because I'm totally there." How cute! It's armed conflict in the Middle East, spring break style. And the twins will have plenty of company - all guys and girls from the age of 18-34, and medical personnel up to the age of 44! Awesome! Don't forget, when packing your bags for this very special junior year abroad, it's all about shock and awe, baby. Just ask any of our currently overextended troops - it's a trip to die for.

Best joke going around:

What's the difference between Vietnam and Iraq?

George Bush had a plan to get out of Vietnam.

Honorable Mention:

When the 2004 election resulted in a tie (one of the electors refused to vote),
it went to the House. The House vote also resulted in a tie, so once again, the
Supreme court was called upon to pick a winner.

But, the Supreme Court decided they'd better not make the decision as they
had done in 2000. So they sent Bush and Kerry to a frozen lake in northern
Wisconsin to have an ice fishing contest. To the chagrin of the Republican
Party, nobody was allowed to accompany them. Both men were sworn to
allow the man who caught the most fish in five days to become president.

On the first day they went out in different directions. Kerry came back with
ten fish. Bush caught none.

On the second day Kerry caught twenty fish and again W. came back
empty handed.

When Kerry brought back 25 fish on day three and W still hadn't caught
any, Bush got worried and contacted Cheney, Rove, and Hughes via the
implanted two-way communcation device he had used so ineffectively
duringthe three 2004 Presidential Debates.

"Kick him in the nuts," said Rove.

"Shoot him," said Hughes.

"He's probably cheating," suggested the VP acting as the voice of sanity,
something which could occur only when contrasted with the paraniod,
delusional rantings of Rove and Hughes.

"I hadn't thought of that," said W. "You're probably right. What should I do?"
Cheney suggested that, instead of going fishing the next day, Bush follow
Kerry to see what he was doing.

At the end of day 4 Bush called Cheney and told him, "you were right Dick,
the bastard is cheating."

"What's he doing?" asked Cheney.

"He's cutting holes in the ice!"


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