Thursday, October 21, 2004 Disputes Bush False Attacks on Taxes

$8 Million Worth Of Distortions

Two Bush ads full of misleading and false statements ran more than 9,000 times in 45 cities last week.

October 21, 2004

Modified:October 21, 2004


Two misleading Bush ads accusing Kerry of supporting tax increases on gasoline and middle-class parents were running heavily last week. According to the Campaign Media Analysis Group of TNS Media Intelligence, which tracks TV ads in the top 100 markets, the two Bush ads accounted for nearly half of the estimated $16 million spent by Bush and the Republican National Committee during that week alone.

Both ads repeat claims we've repeatedly disputed here. They both attempt to portray Kerry as eager to raise taxes on middle-income taxpayers, which Kerry has said consistently he won't do. One ad characterizes Kerry's votes against proposed tax cuts as votes to "raise taxes," an outright falsehood.

Full report from


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s semantics on Kerry’s part to say he is not raising taxes. When he says he will “roll back” the tax cuts which have been instated, he is saying he will raise taxws.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

That's missing the point--it is not a matter of semantics.

Kerry has clearly stated he plans to roll back the tax cuts on those making over $200,000 per year. This is not the distortions which Fact Check is saying Bush has made.

Bush has made false claims of Kerry voting for tax increases far more times than he has, and has ignored Kerry's many votes for tax cuts. Bush is also making false claims that Kerry would increase the taxes on people making under $200,000.

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me a break! Isn't this the pot calling the kettle black!

How about Kerry's lies:
(1) Kerry saying that Bush is going to re-institute the draft.
(2) Kerry saying Bush banned stem cell research.
(3) Kerry blaming Bush for the shortage of flu shots.
(4) Kerry blaming Bush for job losses in 2001 when a new president's policies don't go into effect the first year of his presidency.
(5) Kerry calling Vietnam "Nixon's war" and claiming Nixon was in the White House in 1968.
... just to name a few.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Ron Chusid said...

Now that's an interesting tactic--accuse Kerry of saying things different from what he actually said and then accuse him of lying.

Sorry, you can't call Kerry a lier based upon things you made up that he said. When Kerry's views are reported correctly, his statements are true.

1) Kerry is not saying Bush will initiate the draft. He is warning, as many military analysts believe, that the only way Bush can maintain his policies is with a draft. He has pointed out that Bush's policies with regards to many of the people currently in Iraq amount to a back door daftt--which is true.

2) The complaint is not that Bush "banned" stem cell research, but that Bush's policies amount to the same thing. The restrictions placed on stem cell research prevent any meaningful research, which is as bad as a ban.

3) The lack of influenza vaccine is a sign of the failings of the Bush administration as there were advanced warnlings of this problem which were ignored.

4) Bush is blamed for the job losses through his entire term, not just 2001.

5) Kerry has blamed both Nixon and Johnson for getting us involved in Vietnam. If you go back thru his statements after returning from Vietnam it is more likely Nixon would be named as Nixon was the one in office when Kerry was actively opposing the war. At the time it was Nixon's war--but that does not mean he was denying Johnson's role in escalating the war.

1:22 PM  

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