Sunday, August 03, 2003

Kerry and Lieberman talk jobs in latest New Hampshire visits - By JAMES W. PINDELL,

MANCHESTER, Aug. 1 - Two Democratic presidential candidates visited the state talking about the 3 million jobs lost since President Bush took office in 2001 and saying what they will do to return those unemployed to work.

For John Kerry, his only appearance in the state Thursday was a meeting with a dozen laid-off technology workers while they sat around in a circle of an abandoned technology workspace.

Kerry said he wanted to hear personal stories of the recession. Stories like John Knowles, of Hudson, with his Ph.D in Music and was laid off as a technical writer. Luckily for Knowles his wife still has her job, but she recently was diagnosed with breast cancer.

"If we didn't have health insurance through her job I am not sure what we would do," Knowles told Kerry.

Listening to their stories of the high-tech industry, Kerry said called President Bush the "worst president he has ever seen on science" because the president didn't invest enough money in the technology on the "cusp of the next step."

The event came after a day when Kerry and Howard Dean traded verbal shots over tax cuts. Polls recently have suggested that Kerry and Dean are tied for front-runner status in New Hampshire.

When asked about the previous day Kerry told reporters that of Dean, "I disagree with him passionately as to what the best approach for the economy is. We fought hard in the 1990s, we Democrats, real Democrats. We balanced the budget, paid down the debt, created 23 million jobs, and we did it without raising taxes on middle class Americans. We fought hard to get rid of a marriage penalty. We fought hard to get a child care credit. I don't believe we should take those back. I don't want to raise taxes on middle class, average hard working American and I believe it's a big mistake," Kerry said.

The point Kerry was trying to make is that he would only repeal the Bush tax cuts on the rich, while Dean would repeal all tax cuts.


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