Friday, August 01, 2003

August 1, 2003 - Kerry: "More Jobs Lost; Middle Class Hurting"

John Kerry said, "We learned today that 44,000 more jobs were lost and the Bush economy and is so bad that half a million Americans have lost all hope and given up looking for jobs altogether. The three million Bush jobs gap continues to grow and middle class families are hurting.

The Bush Administration is telling us that good news is right around the corner but this is an economy that has left millions behind. It seems that the only people doing better under the Bush economy are Bush's wealthiest friends. Halliburton's Iraqi contracts from the Bush Administration helped them bring in a $26 million profit in second quarter.

Middle class families are hurting and the laid-off workers that I talked to yesterday in New Hampshire told me that they want a President who will end George W. Bush's failed economic policies and get this economy back on track by creating jobs and investing in people."


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