Keep it clean!
Friends, Visitors, Kerry Supporters, Dean Supporters please remember to keep your eyes on the prize! When the Primaries are over we will all be working towards the same goal. It is imperative to keep that in mind and not be alienating the other teams!
I love my candidate. They love theirs This is good! This is wonderful! This is awesome! Why?
Because in November 2004, all that passion we all have is going to take us over the finish line and we will all collectively get Bush out of the White House.
The past few days have disturbing to say the least. I have seen strong Kerry supporters who never speak out over on the new Official Kerry Blog duking it out with the flamers and trolls over there. I personally have had to stop myself from being too outspoken.
The saving grace for me is an old adage - Never, Ever Give Away Your Power! That statement I believe, goes for all supporters of all the candidates!
I believe in John Kerry. I believe John Kerry can and will beat George Bush in 2004. This blog is here online to support that belief and is place for others with that belief to get News and Info about the campaign. Those who do not have that belief, have places to share your beliefs and we respect your beliefs here, but this is a Kerry Blog, so please respect ours.
Friends, Visitors, Kerry Supporters, Dean Supporters please remember to keep your eyes on the prize! When the Primaries are over we will all be working towards the same goal. It is imperative to keep that in mind and not be alienating the other teams!
I love my candidate. They love theirs This is good! This is wonderful! This is awesome! Why?
Because in November 2004, all that passion we all have is going to take us over the finish line and we will all collectively get Bush out of the White House.
The past few days have disturbing to say the least. I have seen strong Kerry supporters who never speak out over on the new Official Kerry Blog duking it out with the flamers and trolls over there. I personally have had to stop myself from being too outspoken.
The saving grace for me is an old adage - Never, Ever Give Away Your Power! That statement I believe, goes for all supporters of all the candidates!
I believe in John Kerry. I believe John Kerry can and will beat George Bush in 2004. This blog is here online to support that belief and is place for others with that belief to get News and Info about the campaign. Those who do not have that belief, have places to share your beliefs and we respect your beliefs here, but this is a Kerry Blog, so please respect ours.
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