Kerry: “I Apologize to No One for My Criticism of the President”
The transcript of the press conference in Seattle, WA is here.
The First Blog Supporting John Kerry Before the 2004 Election.
The Unofficial Kerry Blog is not affiliated with the John Kerry for President 2004 Campaign, Friends of John Kerry, Inc. or John Kerry for Senate '08.
The Unofficial Kerry for President Blog!
"Talk about speaking the stark truth to students who want more out of life. The education system in California is a mess, especially in L.A. County. Each day I pick my daughter up at school I see the recruiters leaving, smiling because they have snagged another kid who’s trapped by the system and see’s no future other than enlisting. It shouldn’t be like this. A 50% drop out rate is unacceptable. What is the bottom line for these kids, a job at McDonald’s or Iraq. Kudo’s to Kerry for delivering a wake up call to the young voters at the rally."
“If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy. This is the classic G.O.P. playbook. I’m sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did.
I’m not going to be lectured by a stuffed suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium, or doughy Rush Limbaugh, who no doubt today will take a break from belittling Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s disease to start lying about me just as they have lied about Iraq. It disgusts me that these Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country lie and distort so blatantly and carelessly about those who have.
The people who owe our troops an apology are George W. Bush and Dick Cheney who misled America into war and have given us a Katrina foreign policy that has betrayed our ideals, killed and maimed our soldiers, and widened the terrorist threat instead of defeating it. These Republicans are afraid to debate veterans who live and breathe the concerns of our troops, not the empty slogans of an Administration that sent our brave troops to war without body armor.
Bottom line, these Republicans want to debate straw men because they’re afraid to debate real men. And this time it won’t work because we’re going to stay in their face with the truth and deny them even a sliver of light for their distortions. No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut and run policy in Afghanistan and a stand still and lose strategy in Iraq.”
Want to know what desperation looks like? Here's what Bill Frist and Ken Mehlman sent out today in a desperation email fundraiser. They’re scared to death that John Kerry and Ted Kennedy ponied up to elect Democrats.
Let's see their $2 million, and raise them.
Have you got your checkbook out yet? Go to here, here or here and make sure that our Democratic candidates don't miss this "critical reverse the Bush Administration."
And get ready to vote for “3 at the Buzzer” starting at 7 am eastern, Wednesday on to really scare the Republicans.
The Democrats' congressional campaign committees raised $15.5 million during the first 18 days of October, setting up their final push to reclaim both chambers. Republicans, meanwhile, raised $10.1 million for their candidates, continuing a pace that has lagged this election.
This morning, the community will break our all-time email fundraising record for the year: in the last 48 hours, people on John Kerry's email list have donated $900,000 to 4 Senate candidates in the most critical races in the country: Harold Ford, Jr. (TN), Jim Webb (VA), Claire McCaskill (MO), and Bob Menendez (NJ).
When we called John Kerry with the totals this morning, he sent along this message to thank everyone who's pitching in to win back the Congress:"You are incredible! The story of what the community has done over the last two years to win these mid term elections is one of best untold stories in politics. You could've licked your wounds, you could've given up, but you kept fighting, you dug deeper, you got stronger — and now with it all on the line in the last 48 hours you contributed $900,000 to these must-win Senate races. You've scared the hell out of Ken Mehlman and the Republicans! Now it's onwards. Today I'm with Admiral Sestak and Patrick Murphy in Teresa's home state of Pennsylvania, defending two veterans who will change the character of Congress. Let's go!"
"You ought to just back off, take a look at it, relax, understand that it's complicated, it's difficult," Rumsfeld said, appearing unusually combative as he sparred with reporters at the Pentagon. "Honorable people are working on these things together," he said, adding emphatically that "no daylight" exists between the U.S. and Iraqi sides.
“Today a Secretary of Defense, who should have been fired a long time ago, lost even greater touch with reality.
Secretary Rumsfeld blames the “mischievous” media for trying to find “a little daylight” between Prime Minister Maliki and the Administration. There’s nothing mischievous about acknowledging that the Iraqis defiantly rejected the Administration’s toothless benchmarks. The problem is not the meaning of the word “it.” The problem is the state of denial in which this incompetent Secretary of Defense continues to operate.
This month, American casualties in Iraq have already reached the highest level in a year as our brave troops continue to pay the price for the Administration’s arrogance and incompetence. Playing rhetorical word games and tweaking the tactics of a fundamentally flawed strategy will not get the job done.
Secretary Rumsfeld once promised our troops would not be forced to fight an Iraqi civil war, but refused to repeat that promise today because he knows our heroes are already bogged down in a civil war. He touts the 310,000 Iraqi security forces that are “bearing the brunt of the battle”, even though this makes a mockery of the Administration’s rhetoric of standing down American troops as Iraqis stand up. He says again this conflict won’t be solved militarily, but refuses to impose the hard deadlines necessary to force Iraqis to reach a real political settlement.
It’s clearer than ever that we need new leadership if we are ever going to change the Administration’s failed course in Iraq.”
This morning, the community will break our all-time email fundraising record for the year: in the last 48 hours, people on John Kerry's email list have donated $900,000 to 4 Senate candidates in the most critical races in the country: Harold Ford, Jr. (TN), Jim Webb (VA), Claire McCaskill (MO), and Bob Menendez (NJ).
When we called John Kerry with the totals this morning, he sent along this message to thank everyone who's pitching in to win back the Congress:"You are incredible! The story of what the community has done over the last two years to win these mid term elections is one of best untold stories in politics. You could've licked your wounds, you could've given up, but you kept fighting, you dug deeper, you got stronger — and now with it all on the line in the last 48 hours you contributed $900,000 to these must-win Senate races. You've scared the hell out of Ken Mehlman and the Republicans! Now it's onwards. Today I'm with Admiral Sestak and Patrick Murphy in Teresa's home state of Pennsylvania, defending two veterans who will change the character of Congress. Let's go!"
Watch the interview here:
"This war is utterly disastrous," he said. "It's without parallel in modern American foreign policy history in the incompetence and in the lack of effort to bring elders of both parties together and create an atmosphere of solving it. And I am incensed that young Americans are losing their lives because these guys are arrogant and incompetent."
In his keynote address to the largest fund-raiser of the year for the Democratic Party in New Hampshire, the site of the nation's first presidential primary, Kerry accused Republicans of telling "lies" about the conditions in Iraq. He once again called for deadline to withdraw a majority of the troops.
"This war in Iraq is a disgrace," the Massachusetts Democrat said. "Set a deadline for Iraqis to run Iraq and bring our troops home."
On that line, Kerry received one of a dozen standing ovations he received during his 30-minute speech.
“Today we heard more hollow attacks from a president acting like campaigner in chief rather than being commander in chief.
President Bush continues to be profoundly wrong about Iraq. He wraps my strategy in slogans because he’s afraid to take responsibility for his Katrina foreign policy that kills and maims our soldiers and weakens America in the fight against terror. Every day we continue the President’s failed stay-the-course strategy is another day we play into the hands of the terrorists.
We must change course in Iraq. This is why I have proposed a deadline for Iraq and a comprehensive plan to end the civil war. We must refocus our military efforts from the failed occupation of Iraq to what we should have been doing all along: tracking down and killing members of al Qaeda.
This is the opposite of President Bush’s stand-still-and-lose strategy. It's a clear alternative from a broken policy of "more of the same." Every time President Bush tells the Iraqis we will "stay as long as it takes," he is giving squabbling politicians there an excuse to take as long as they want.
At each step along the way, the Iraqi leaders have responded only to deadlines. So we must set another deadline to extricate our troops and get Iraq up on its own two feet -- a clear deadline of July, 2007 to redeploy our combat troops.
"He must be trying to burnish his credentials for the nomination process," said Kerry, who labeled McCain's comments "flat politics and incorrect."
"The truth is the Clinton administration knew full well they didn't have a perfect agreement. But at least they were talking. At least we had inspectors going in and we knew where the (nuclear fuel) rods were. This way, we don't know where the rods are, the rods are gone. There are no inspectors. Ask any American which way is better," Kerry said.
"The president attacks the place that has no weapons of mass destruction and does nothing about the place that does," Kerry told reporters at a campaign stop for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jack Carter. "For five years, I have been calling for the United States to engage in direct talk with North Korea. ... Instead, for five years this administration has ignored them. They fundamentally left this to other people."
Kerry made the comments one day after North Korea claimed to have successfully tested a nuclear device.
The Bush administration has been trying for years to get engage more countries in its anti-proliferation efforts, aimed at stopping nations such as North Korea from developing and selling nuclear weaponry and missiles. But it has refused one of North Korea's key demands: that the United States engage in one-on-one talks. Instead the administration pushed for a so-called six-party format, in which Russia, China, South Korea and Japan would join in the discussions.
"The six-party talks are a cover for the administration to avoid direct discussion," Kerry said.
Kerry said Carter believed that providing health care for America's heroes is more important that giving more tax breaks to millionaires.
Elizabeth Carter spoke briefly, and then she and Kerry went table to table talking with the veterans. Robert Hudson, a 1970-76 Vietnam army veteran originally from Michigan, thanked Kerry for coming and for supporting more funding for the VA.
“We need leadership in Washington who understands that VA funding is critical for those who gave so much for there country,” Hudson said. Hudson also told Kerry he was looking for real leadership in Washington to change the course in Iraq.
30 days left -- we don't have a minute to waste.
That's why I'm kicking off our 30 Days for Change blog here at so we can provide up to the minute updates, information, travelogues, and so you can continue to engage directly as we drive all the way through the mid term elections and big Democratic victory.
Kerry said he is concerned that Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is again resorting to "the politics of fear and smear."
The group, financed by Texas conservatives, ran commercials questioning his Vietnam record _ the centerpiece of his presidential campaign in 2004. Those same conservatives have formed another group this year _ Economic Freedom Fund _ to campaign against Democrats across the country.
"We're not going to give them an ounce of daylight," said Kerry, who is considering another run at the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.
Boswell is being challenged by state Republican Senate President Jeff Lamberti of Ankeny in a race that has included significant cash from both parties.
Boswell retired after 20 years in the Army, including two tours in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot. But the conservative group has chosen to focus on issues ranging from higher taxes to immigration. Part of the group's money is also funding an automated telephone campaign against Boswell.
Kerry said his experience in Iowa has taught him that the group's message won't sway voters.
"I know enough about Iowa citizens, Republicans and Democrats alike, to know that they value their independence," said Kerry, who scored a surprise victory in the Iowa caucus in January 2004. "I don't think their position is going to be swayed by big Texas money."
Yesterday , Senator John F. Kerry was in Iowa. Tomorrow and Wednesday, he'll be in Nevada. On Friday, he'll be in New Hampshire. After that, he'll visit 11 more states, including South Carolina, before the Nov. 7 election.
With a frenetic pace of barnstorming and fund-raising on behalf of Democratic candidates, Kerry's moves over the last several months have convinced his inner circle that he intends to launch another run for president.
Kerry himself insisted he has not decided whether to run. But more than a dozen longtime loyalists interviewed for this story said they had no doubt that Kerry would attempt what a host of Washington doubters think unimaginable: become the first Democrat in half a century to lose a general election and be renominated four years later.
"My impression is there's no way he's not going to run," said a confidant who speaks with Kerry regularly and asked not to be identified.
"First things first," Kerry said. "I haven't made a decision yet, and I don't have any specific timetable for it. My focus is the '06 elections. I know it sounds weird to people, but we've got to do well here, win some seats, and I'm doing everything in my power to do that."
Dear Friend,
You and I know that President Bush and his administration have created a disaster in Iraq -- and instead of setting a deadline to bring our heroes home and make Iraqis stand up for Iraq, the administration says "stay the course."
Well, "staying the course" isn't far-sighted; it's blind. Leaving our troops in the middle of a civil war isn't resolute; it's reckless. Half of the service members listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall died after America's leaders knew our strategy would not work. It was immoral then, and it would be immoral now to engage in the same delusion.
This Administration is terrified that enough Americans now realize that the war in Iraq has overstretched our military, served as a recruitment tool for terrorists, divided and pushed away our traditional allies, diverted critical billions of dollars from the real front lines against terrorism, and diminished our moral authority in the world.
But that's not all. It has also been a massive failure of management. The idea that American troops were sent into battle without the body armor they needed, and that American tax dollars meant to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis instead lined the pockets of contractors and big corporations while the insurgency grew, is an outrage of historic proportions. It is a reminder of why we are right and why it is patriotic to stand up against a broken policy, and why the blank-check, rubber-stamp Washington Republicans need to be fired for their incompetence and irresponsibility.
But guess what? No one is hearing us yet. And the big Republican dollars flowing from the same Texas Republicans who funded the Swift Boat smears of 2004 are being spent in the hopes of making sure you and your families don't ever hear the truth over the noise of fear.
We need to fight back. That's why I need you to see, and I need you to get your friends and your family to go out and see, the new film by Robert Greenwald, "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers," because here in the weeks before the midterm elections we need as big and broad and full-throated a debate as possible about the war in Iraq.
I sat down and watched this film. I watched as Sgt. Kelly Dougherty of the Colorado National Guard said, "The tents that we were staying in were completely moldy and everybody was getting sick with respiratory infections. They're getting millions of dollars, and why can't they even give us a tent that doesn't make us sick to sleep in?"
Good luck to the armchair Republicans sitting in Washington when they challenge our patriotism and say "support the troops" -- these are our sons and daughters in uniform reminding these Republicans that "we are the troops."
Once I saw this film, I knew we had to do something about it. That's why we're supporting Brave New Films as they organize screenings of "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" in locations across the country -- not in major movie theaters, but in your houses and those of your neighbors. On Saturday, October 14, I will be attending one of these screenings, and following the screening at 9:00 p.m. EDT, I will join Greenwald on a live conference call to discuss the implications of the film and what you can do to make a difference.
You can participate in next week's "Patriotism Over Profit" screenings in one of two ways: you can sign up to host your own screening, or you can sign up to attend a screening at a location near you.
I can host or attend a screening of "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" next week
It is important for this film to be watched, not in isolation, but with friends, family, and neighbors. "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" can do more than expose the errors of the past; it can foster discussion about the new course we can and must chart for the future. If you participate in a screening on Saturday, October 14, I look forward to joining you for this discussion at 9:00 p.m. EDT.
I can host or attend a screening of "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" next week
We have fewer than five weeks to spread the word before voters go to the polls on November 7. Please make your voice heard.
John Kerry
P.S. If you are unable to host or attend a screening next week, you can order your own copy of "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers" to watch and share with everyone you know.
He said allegations that former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., sent inappropriate messages to underage congressional pages and leaders failed to act on them are just the latest examples of decaying values in Washington. He said congressional leaders are failing to live to the same standards as the public.
He said it's troubling that some people in Congress knew about the allegations before they became public. If teachers and administrators failed to act on allegations like that in a school, he said, no one would stand for it. The same should go for Congress, he said.
"I've never seen ... more willful denial of a fundamental responsibility to heed the law and live by a certain standard," he said.
"We've lost our moral authority in the world, and we're spending billions of dollars," he said.
Kerry declined to predict what effect the book could have on the midterm elections while speaking with reporters after the event. Asked whether he planned to run for President in 2008, he said, "I'd rather break news about '06, which is what's important."
Roth, a business attorney, is running against former state Rep. Michael Downing of Salem for the Senate seat. The race is wide open because Sen. Chuck Morse, R-Salem, is running for Executive Council instead. Earlier in the day, Kerry and Roth visited the Pelham Senior Center.![]()
Roth said she was a supporter of Kerry during the New Hampshire primary, and stood outside the polls campaigning for him. In March, Roth was elected a selectman in Salem, garnering the highest number of votes in the race. She said she wants to avoid the "polarity" of politics and instead help make progress in the Statehouse.
"What I'm hearing in New Hampshire is probably what Sen. Kerry is hearing throughout the country," she said.
"They're not clarifying. He did another Terri Schiavo diagnosis from a one-hour tape," Kerry, the party's 2004 presidential nominee, said Wednesday of the Tennessee Republican.
On Monday, Frist said the war against Taliban guerrillas can never be won militarily and that he favored bringing "people who call themselves Taliban" into the government.
The remarks drew immediate criticism from Democrats. They argued Frist was waving the white flag of surrender to the Taliban, who harbored the al-Qaida organization blamed for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
A Frist spokeswoman later said the senator believes Afghan tribesmen at risk of being lost to the Taliban should be brought into the government, not Taliban fighters themselves.
Kerry, mentioned as a possible 2008 presidential candidate, was campaigning in New Hampshire for state Senate candidate Beth Roth. Frist also is considered a White House hopeful.
Frist, a former heart surgeon, took a leading role last year in the fight to get Schiavo's feeding tube reinserted. He later was criticized for relying on a video to question her doctors' diagnosis that Schiavo was in a permanent vegetative state.
Kerry said Frist's Taliban comments sound like claims by the Bush administration about progress being made in Iraq, despite differing reports from those directly involved. The Massachusetts senator said he requested a private briefing with CIA officials earlier this week.
"I will tell you their outlook was bleak. It was completely different from what the administration is saying publicly, and they told me that is what they are saying to the administration today," Kerry said.
He added: "We need an administration that tells America the truth. We don't need a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan where the real war on terror is and a stay-and-lose policy in Iraq."
Though North Korea has previously said it possesses nuclear bombs -- U.S. intelligence officials have estimated it could have as many as 11 -- a test detonation would dramatically change the region's power dynamics. Analysts have said the United States and area neighbors including China, Japan and South Korea would be forced to deal far more harshly with the North Koreans.
“North Korea’s declared intention to test a nuclear weapon is a potentially deadly security threat that should have been taken extremely seriously long ago,” said Senator John Kerry, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. “This administration’s tough talk and weak actions have allowed the nuclear threat from North Korea to grow ever more dire. Secretary Rice’s description of this development as “provocative” is this Administration’s latest attempt to downplay the threat in order to deflect attention from their failed policy. The facts speak for themselves. This Administration must stop dithering while Pyongyang advances its deadly arsenal. History shows that there’s no turning back if North Korea actually tests a nuclear weapon. The world will be a much more dangerous place if this ruthless dictatorship, which Donald Rumsfeld described yesterday as “an active proliferator,” has proven nuclear weapons that could be sold to a hostile regime or terrorists. This Administration must acknowledge reality and start showing the leadership necessary to get some results before it’s too late.”