Thursday, March 02, 2006

More Polls Show Falling Approval For Bush

After the CBS News poll showed Bush’s approval at a new low, the right wing Bush Worshippers started claiming that the poll was a product of liberal bias and denied that its results were true. It looks like this “liberal bias” has spread all over, including to Fox News, as several more polls show falling approval for Bush.

The USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows “Bush’s job-approval rating is 38%, 1 percentage point above the lowest rating of his presidency. His disapproval rating is 60%. The proportion who strongly approve of him has fallen to 20%, its lowest ever. The proportion who strongly disapprove has risen to 44%, the highest ever.”

The Quinnipiac Poll has Bush’s approval down to 36%.

The Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll shows Bush’s approval rating “fell to 38%, the lowest level recorded for him in the poll.”

Even Fox News has bad news for George Bush and the Republicans. “For only the second time of his presidency, the poll finds that President Bush’s overall job approval rating has fallen below 40 percent — today 39 percent of Americans say they approve and a 54 percent majority disapproves.” Among other findings, “the poll shows Republicans have lost ground on the issue of terrorism, and by a wide margin voters now think it would be better for the country if Democrats win control of Congress in this year’s midterm election.”


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