Wednesday, April 07, 2004

For a White House That Claims to Be Cooperating With the 9/11 Commission, Why Another Stonewall?

April 7, 2004
To: National Desk
Contact: Phil Singer of John Kerry for President


The White House opened a new chapter in its ongoing effort to obstruct the work of the 9/11 Commission with its refusal to comply with the panel's latest request that it release a speech national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was to give on the day of the 9/11 attacks that named missile defense as the Administration's top security priority -- not terrorism.

Last week, the Washington Post reported that the speech was meant to establish missile defense as the foundation of the White House security strategy and failed to mention Osama bin Laden or terrorist groups.

The White House could still back down and provide the full speech to the panel. Responding to strong political pressure from both Republicans and Democrats, the White House reversed course and agreed to let Dr. Rice to testify in public, under oath after previously insisting she only speak to the panel privately.

Watch National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice testify before the Sept. 11 Commission on C-Span at 9:00 am est.


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