Thursday, September 04, 2003

A Letter to a Veteran

who sees the Hypocrisy in Bush's "No Child Left Behind" and "Bring 'Em On" Statements. He wrote to me in response to Bush's wavering on issues of importance to Veterans whose benefits are getting slashed (in real dollar, health-care and education inflation-adjusted terms). I hope this is a good response to what Bush and the cheap-labor conservatives are trying to do to Veterans and to our country. Letter-writer anonymity protected.

Many more reasons why we need JOHN KERRY as PRESIDENT!

"Now you know why I go around calling Bush and the cheap-labor Republicans
"borrow-and-spend Republicans" and "cheap-labor conservatives." I try now,
with every effort, to make sure I do not refer to them without using a
descriptive label.

What the hell does "conservative" mean? To conserve?
The Dems do a much better job conserving people's rights, benefits, and the
quality of the environment. What does "republican" mean? To support a
republic? The Dems do a much better job with that, trying to keep human
rights, especially those prescribed by our Constitution, which was used to
establish our Republic in the first place, and to try to ensure that the
people at large have a fair say in how our government is run
, and that it is
not run just by a bunch of elitist rich people. Whatever happened to "Government by the
The last President we have had who was of modest means was Jimmy

Now you can see why our system of government is geared now, unconstitutionally,
heavily, toward the desires of the rich.

That's where cheap-labor and borrow-and-spend come in.

By spending so much of our taxpayer's money (and money which doesn't even
exist yet)
on programs for the rich, corporate welfare like the Iraq
re-building contractors (mostly close buddies of Bush and Cheney...must have
been planned all along, behind closed doors...) on Halliburton and Harken
Energy, almost all heavy Bush campaign financiers, we can bring the country
close enough to bankruptcy that we're not able to provide for the needs of
the people.

Like Veterans, whose benefits are being slightly increased in nominal
values, but drastically cut in REAL-time value (adjusted for health-care and
education inflation).

Like unemployed people, who are more desperate to work for cheap wages if
their benefits are cut.

Like students, the elderly (witness the prescription drug delays), the
(costs too much money, cheap-labor conservatives say..yeah,
right, right after you blow a trillion on destroying Iraq and another
trillion on feeding the rich

Looks like our government's being run by people who think people making a
million dollars or more a year cannot afford to feed their family Hamburger
Helper tonight, and need a trillion dollar tax break.

While 42 million people cannot afford health insurance.

Yeah, right!

If Veterans are going to get screwed by this mis-ministration, imagine how
non-Veterans like myself are going to get treated?

That's why I support Veterans and all of their major issues, including the repeal of the Disabled
Veterans Tax.
I know I would never benefit directly from that repeal.

A government that would repeal that, just MIGHT be more willing to repeal
some other things that do concern me, and the People at large.

Like repealing the fact that a $20,000 a year wage earner who shows up at a
hospital without insurance WILL (despite their dishonest disclaimers) be
treated like someone asking for a handout.

Like repealing the fact that so many elderly people (and just be patient, no
matter how young you are, YOU'RE going there too...) must cut pills in half
to put food on the table.

Like repealing the fact that our nation's wealthiest energy producers meet
with the "President" (yeah, right, what a leader THIS guy turned out to be!)
in secret, refuse to disclose any discussion of what went on, then they, the
President's largest campaign financers, have him sign the most heavily
polluting energy bill passed by Congress. Then, one of the major players
robs California of billions of dollars of outrageously priced "fair-market
energy" with the full permission of the President's energy commission.
This, of course, helps the President's party lyingly accuse the California
Governor of incompetence, even though the President's own energy commission
and one of his largest campaign financers bankrupted that state. Then this
energy company, knowing no bounds to evil, robs all employees of all
retirement money invested in company stock, refuses to allow any employee
(except Jeff Skilling and Ken Lay) to sell the stock, and sends them all
packing, with no savings except that which they were able to invest
elsewhere due to healthy skepticicm on their part.

Good Luck to All Veterans in dealing with this and future Administrations.
You deserve everything you have asked for, and only when you win, will the
People win. You are the ones who have fought "the hard fights" and have
defended our nation's freedom."


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