Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Statement from John Kerry on Announcement of Record Budget Deficits
August 26, 2003

George Bush came in to office with the largest surplus in our nation’s history and now we are facing more than $400 billion in red ink.

What do we have to show for it? Nine million Americans are unemployed, three million fewer jobs, more people without health care and a crumbling situation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Isn’t it time to for somebody to ask "where all the money has gone?"

With more than 3 million jobs lost, record budget deficits and mounting debts, it is time for this Administration to admit what millions of unemployed Americans already know - that the economic policies of George W. Bush are the worst in our nation’s history. It’s obvious this Administration doesn’t have the slightest clue about how to get this economy back on track, get Americans back to work and get our nation’s finances under control.

Later this week I will announce my economic plan to protect tax cuts for the middle class, create jobs to get our economy moving again and slash the deficit while investing in health care and energy independence.

John... We are all anxiously awaiting the announcement of your economic plan...

Times are tough, so many people are out of work, can't find work, can't make ends meet, they're living in the streets...

You have my strong faith and trust Senator Kerry and my unwaivering support! You are the hammer!


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