Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Kerry Vs. Bush on the Economy

This is from John Kerry's Official website:

John Kerry said, “It’s irresponsible and immoral for George W Bush to continue sticking our children with the bill for his record deficits and debt because pride and ideology get in the way of scrapping his failed economic policies. The news that the federal deficit may pass $450 billion this year alone and is on track to reach record highs is proof that we don’t just need a new economic team, we need a new President. If you add up all the debt Lincoln incurred in winning the Civil War, all the debt Wilson incurred in winning WWI, and all the debt FDR incurred in winning WWII, you have just half of the debt George W Bush ran up this year. Already it’s clear that this will be the second year in history where the deficit exceeds $1 billion a day.

Not only do the new Bush tax cuts make no economic sense, but this Administration has turned fiscal responsibility on its ear - turning a budget in surplus to a budget with endless deficits. I’m running for President to offer truth about our economy, put Americans back to work and kick our economy into gear while reforming economic policy so that it focuses on actually helping people - creating jobs, raising incomes and promoting growth.”

It basically comes down to this- George Bush believes- or says he believes- that the economy will recover by massive tax cuts that favor the rich. The theory here is that the money will be recirculated into the economy by free market approaches that come from the flow of capitalism. Really not a bad theory. The problem is that Bush is not going to tell anyone how he plans to balance the budget. He knows he has to do it and so do his advisors. There just isn't any way he will come out and admit that he is going to slash every progressive program that the Federal Government has created in the last 60 years. If he does, his declining popularity (now at its' lowest point since he took office) will spiral down even faster.

If you decide to vote for John Kerry you are making a choice between two types of economic theories, one is driven by tax cuts without the tough choices, the other is driven by fair taxes for every one, and more progress.


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