Sunday, April 23, 2006

John Kerry: Keep N.H. First

As I reported last night, the NH Union Leader reported that John Kerry “yesterday firmly opposed the national Democratic Party’s plan to dilute the New Hampshire first-in-the-nation primary’s traditional strong impact on Presidential politics.” Kerry wrote an OP/ED published in the Sunday Union Leader sharing his views on the importance of Keeping NH first:

John Kerry: Let’s keep NH first
Guest Commentary

RUNNING for President as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2004 was one of the proudest experiences of my life. But I fear that what my party is considering doing to the process by which we pick a nominee is harming our party by diminishing New Hampshire’s unique first-in-the-nation role.

I support Iowa and New Hampshire’s first-in-the nation status in our Presidential nominating process. The special role that Iowa and New Hampshire play in Presidential politics has strengthened our democracy by insuring that citizens at the grassroots engage directly with candidates for the Presidency. We should preserve the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary in their traditional forms.

The process in New Hampshire is good for American politics. In New Hampshire, citizens open up their homes, their businesses and even their firehouses to gather friends and neighbors and grill the candidates on issues from health care to war and peace. I don’t believe I would have been half as prepared to stand on a stage and debate a sitting President had I not first gone through the crucible that is the New Hampshire primary.


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