Monday, February 27, 2006

It's Not News Because It's BS

The right wingers never give up, and sure don’t let facts get in their way. Despite all the evidence that Bush’s invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with disarming Saddam, they still persist in distorting information to make it appear that Saddam had WMD and was working with al Qaeda. Power Line makes a rather weak case and then asks:

When the Iraq Survey Group reported that it was unable to find Saddam’s WMDs, it was treated, understandably, as a huge news story. The news media interpreted the ISG’s failure as undermining, to a great degree, the administration’s case for the war. Fair enough. But now it appears that the administration, along with the CIA and the intelligence services of all other countries who assessed the issue, likely was right after all. Why isn’t this equally big news?

It’s not news because it is BS. Sure they might get Fox News, and perhaps the increasingly right wing CNN and NBC to repeat some of this, but there is just not enough there to get any traction.

The question is not whether Saddam wanted to have WMD, whether he at one time had WMD, or even if he had limited WMD to use at home. The only question which matters in terms of justifying the invasion of Iraq is whether Saddam had WMD which presented an imminent threat to us. The evidence is conclusive that he did not present such a threat, and that Saddam and al Qaeda were enemies of each other, unlikely to ever share any weapons.


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