Saturday, January 08, 2005

Is Bipartisanship Cooperation Possible?

The conventional wisdom lately has been that the two parties would become increasingly polarized and unable to work together. This week's Kiplinger Letter offers a different opinion:
Despite some Democrats’ challenge to Ohio’s election results...

Both parties are showing signs of less bare-knuckle partisanship.
GOP senators won’t change filibuster rules to ram through Bush nominees
for judgeships. House Republicans backpedaled on ethics rule changes.
And Democrats are trying to steer clear of polarizing social issues.

But this is no lovefest. Self-interest, not a change of heart,
is driving the change in tactics. Intraparty splits on Social Security,
deficit reduction and other issues constrain the GOP leadership.
Democrats hope a focus on centrist issues...moderate economic policies,
terrorism and security...will help them win over middle-class voters.
Partisan fights are still certain on confirmation of judges

and when Bush calls for cuts in education and other domestic programs.


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