Saturday, August 16, 2003

Veterans will Help Us Recover From the Bush Recession

Veterans are helping us lift the cheap-labor smokescreen from the public's eyes!

Much of the public has been deceived by Bush and his borrow-and-spend cronies into believing that their freedom and prosperity are dependent on ridding the world of pay-and-spend liberals (they use another phrase instead, but this one is a more accurate description of us!) Our society is bound by a contract, between people who have chosen to live amongst each other and provide for the greatest needs of the people. This contract is called the Constitution of the United States. The Bush administration is trying to break this contract repeatedly, by denying soldiers and veterans of what we promised to give them, by tossing people in jail without due process, and by borrowing money against our future without the consent of the people. Bush's very presence in the White House is against the consent of the people, and is unconstitutional.

Along with foisting this immoral recession on us with reckless Reagan-style borrowing, the Bush Administration is trying to grab what few threads of the social safety net are left so that the government can exist solely for the purpose of propping his police state in power, to extract slave labor from the population in order to support our massive corporate welfare system, including the trillion-dollar contractor arrangements in Iraq and the multi-trillion dollar tax giveaway to the rich in 2001 and 2003. This police state has now dared to deny to veterans and soldiers the wages we have already promised to give them. This will not stand, and the public will see through this smokescreen, because of our current and future veterans.

Veterans and many others who see what Kerry will do for them, that Bush won't, will fight the hard-right conspiracy that has taken hold of this country, and they will see to it that we start hiring people for decent wages and for worthwhile projects.

Like upgrading our energy system, to be both CLEANER and more RELIABLE!

The environmentalists, women, low-wage earners, unionists, the elderly, people without health care coverage, and the many others who are being ripped off by this Bush recession and this Bush police state will stand together with Kerry and begin the important work of:



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